
On this page, you will learn how new seed, sensible cultivation techniques or financing models can change the lives of starving people around the world.


An Overview of Partners' Projects


Brazil is world champion in the use of pesticides. In the southern part of the country, a network of organic farms is supplying municipal schools and kindergartens with healthy food.

A project of Brot für die Welt

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Auf dem Gelände der Boutique-Bar-Restaurant (Bobar) findet die Lebensmittelmesse "ALIMENTERRE", einer Veranstaltung über die Vielfalt einheimischer Nahrungsprodukte, statt. Zu diesem Anlass werden bei einem Buffet eine Auswahl regionaler Gerichte den Mess

Local rather than global

An increasing number of people in Togo's capital city are consuming cheap imported food. The OADEL organization promotes local products.

A project of Brot für die Welt

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